Certificates of Deposit
Choose from a wide range of CDs with various maturities and interest rates.
- Compounded interest up to 4.25% APY
- Minimum Deposit of $1,0001
- Partial withdrawals allowed2
- Automatically renewable certificates allow you 10 days after maturity to redeem. If not redeemed, CD renews at current rate for original term.
Certificates of Deposit
Choose from a wide range of CDs with rates up to 4.50% APY and maturity terms up to 12 months.
- Compounded Interest up to 4.25% APY
- Minimum Deposit of $1,0001
- Partial withdrawals allowed2
- Automatically renewable certificates allow you 10 days after maturity to redeem. If not redeemed, CD renews at current rate for original term.
1 Minimum Deposit of at least $1,000. $100,000 Maximum deposit per CD product.
2 Partial withdrawals allowed; $1,000 minimum withdrawal with minimum remaining balance must be greater than $1,000. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal; fees may reduce earnings. Partial withdrawals are not allowed for 12 Month CD.